Prayer List as of October 29, 2024
Memorial Church is blessed to have so many prayer warriors who faithfully lift the items on the Prayer List.
If you would like to add a name to our Prayer List, please contact the church. Names are left on for 2 weeks unless you tell us differently.
Prayer List
New Concerns
Devin Messina
Christopher Hopper
David LaCarte
Family of Bill Soper
Recent Concerns
Theresa Nelson
Lynn Curtis
Chris Jensen
Andy Fase’s grandson killed in accident
Ongoing Concerns
Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine
Mindy A.
Lorna Benson
Beth and Sarah Benson
Tom Butch
Bud and Pat Clark
Bette DeRoeck
Ian Goldi
Nancy Grondine
Shannon Hagen
Matt Hampton
Nancy Harger
Caroline Hart
Walt Houghton
Kathy Howard
Jim Hubbard
Hueneman family
Gail Johnivan
Dorell Kirschner
Christopher Lund
Toni Marchese
Rebecca Marchak
Jeanette Mineau
Helen Palo
Rodney Potvin and family
Josiah Pryor
Bev Quick
Kris R.
Jordan R.
Debbie Rosen
Mrs. Craig Seckinger
Pam Thorbahn