Venison Project

Memorial United Methodist Church has begun its annual venison project.


The Missions Committee is geared up for this 22nd consecutive year of providing ground venison for the local Salvation Army Food Pantry and the Detroit Cass Ave. United Methodist Church kitchen for the poverty stricken.


Last year we collected, processed, and distributed about 1,000 pounds of ground venison. That means that over the last 21 years, about 7½ tons of venison have been provided for food pantries!


With the hunting season in progress, we are spreading the word to hunters to help those who are in need of food. After field dressing their deer, they can  then deliver it to either Steve Soderman’s Meat Processing at 6207 Days River Road or to Viau’s Market at 1519 Sheridan Road, Escanaba. Be sure to designate the venison to the Memorial United Methodist Church Venison Project. The Whitetails have provided funding to pay for any processing fees. There is no charge to the hunter.


Volunteers deliver the professionally processed ground and frozen venison to the food pantries.


For more information, call the church 428-9311, Dave Nemacheck 428-9129, or Ray Young 644-2488.


This is a wonderful opportunity to “feed the hungry.” Together we DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!